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November 3, 2020 Reports

In reference to the FOIA request of the November 3 2020 General election:
Boone County Arkansas used the reporting program of Election Reporting Manager (aka ERM) to tabulate and report all contests/races to the state. In ERM the reports requested of Cast Vote Record, Ballot Manifest Report nor summary of ballot report are not available in that program. It is available for the Counties that used the reporting program of Electionware. Our county used Electionware for the first time in the Primary of 2022.
With that being said, the only reports that are obtainable from ERM is a Ballot Status report, Audit Log and a Results Total for each DS200 used in that election. 
A ballot status report is a report of what type/sequence/split ballot that was not voted on at that DS200 precinct location. 
A Audit log is a log of dates and times of everything done to that DS200 for that election.
A Results total is a electronic copy of the results totals tape that printed at the end of the night at that DS200 location.