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Early Voting

Feb 20, 2024 – Mar 04, 2024

Early Voting begins on February 20, 2024 and ends on March 4, 2024.

Voting Hours:

Monday 2/20 to Friday 2/23 and Monday 2/26 to Friday 3/1: 8am to 6pm

Saturdays 2/24 & 3/2: 10am to 4pm

Monday 3/4: 8am to 5pm

************All early voting will be at the Boone County Election Center************

  • Tips and reminders for a Primary Election
    • You will be required to show Photo ID
    • You will be asked to state your name, address and date of birth
      • this is to ensure you are you and that you receive the correct the ballot
    • You will be asked "What party's ballot would you like"
      • You are not declaring a party by answering this question, you are just choosing a ballot to vote on. In the primary, all candidates for the same office, same party candidates must compete against each other, the winners of each party for each race will then compete against each other in the General Election held in November. 
    • It does not matter how you are registered to vote (I.E. Republican, Democrat, or Optional), you can choose any party ballot but only one. Whatever party ballot you choose will only have candidates that are running under that party's name listed on it.
      • So let's say voter Doe Fawn is registered as Optional in Voter Registration, Doe can choose the Democratic Ballot, the Republican Ballot or the Non-Partisan Ballot and it will not change how she is registered to vote. And she is not declaring to be apart of any party.
    • The Non-Partisan Ballot will only have Judicial and School Board races. Offices for President, Congress, Governor, Lt. Governor, Commissioner of Lands, State Treasurer, ETC., State House/Representatives, County offices will not appear on this ballot because they do not fall under the Judicial Category.
    • School Board races will appear on all ballot styles if there is a contested race. If the candidate is unopposed according to Arkansas State Law, that candidate is considered the winner and is declared as so and separately from the contested races.
    • All other County Offices (County Judge, County/Circuit Clerk, Sheriff, Assessor, Collector, Treasurer, Coroner and Surveyor, JP's, Constables will appear on the party ballots)